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Lead, Drinking Water & YOU! |
Lead in
our environment is a public health issue about which we should all be
concerned. Lead is a
soft metal which is now known to be harmful to human health if consumed or
inhaled. Since lead accumulates in the
body, its potential for harm depends upon the level of exposure from all
sources. There are
three potential sources for lead to accumulate in the body. The major source is from food, and lead is
also inhaled from the air. The other
potential source of lead is from your drinking water. To protect
the public’s health, public drinking water supplies are governed by the Safe
Drinking Water Act under which the United States Environmental Protection
Agency sets drinking water standards. Although
there is a high level of compliance with drinking water standards throughout
the United States, there is still reason for some concern about certain
contaminants which may get into public drinking water supplies, including lead. As your
supplier of drinking water we have prepared this information piece to help
educate you on this issue. The United
States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets drinking water standards and
has determined that lead is a health concern at certain levels of
exposure. There is currently a standard
of 0.015 parts per million (ppm). Part of the purpose of this notice is to inform you of the potential adverse health effects of lead. This is being done even through your water may not be in violation of the current standard. EPA and
others are concerned about lead in drinking water. Too much lead in the human body can cause serious damage to the
brain, kidneys, nervous system, and red blood cells. The greatest risk, even with short-term exposure, is to young
children and pregnant women. |
Lead levels in your drinking water are likely to be
![]() If your home or water system has lead pipes, or
Typically, if lead is present in the
drinking water, it enters after the water leaves the local water treatment
plant. The most common cause of lead
entering drinking water is corrosion, a reaction between the water and the lead
pipes or the lead-based solder. When
water stands in the pipes of a residence for a minimum of six hours without
use, there is a potential for lead to leach, or dissolve, into the water if a
lead source is present. Soft
water (water that makes soap suds easily) can be more corrosive and, therefore,
has higher levels of dissolved lead.
Some home water treatment devices may also make water more corrosive. It
was common practice in the United States through the early 1900s to use lead
pipes for interior plumbing. Since the
1930s, copper pipe has been used for residential plumbing. Until 1986, however, lead-based solder was
used widely to join copper pipes.
Lead-free solder and lead-free materials are now required by federal law
for use in new household plumbing and for plumbing repairs. To find out if the plumbing in a residence
contains lead, try scratching the pipe with a key or screwdriver. Lead is a soft metal and is dull gray in
color. If lead pipes are present they
will scratch easily and will be shiny when scratched. Dissolved
lead cannot be seen in water. Testing
by a state-approved laboratory is the only way to determine if drinking water
has high levels of dissolved lead.
Contact the local utility or health department for the name of an
approved laboratory. The lab will
provide the correct procedures to be followed for a water test. The U.S. EPA estimates that a test should
cost somewhere between $30 and $75. If
the drinking water is determined to have high levels of dissolved lead, or if
there is an abiding suspicion of lead contamination because of the presence of
soft water, lead pipes, lead solder, and other lead-based plumbing materials,
there are ways to minimize exposure. One
way is to “flush” each cold-water faucet in a home when water stands more than
a few hours. Flushing a cold-water
faucet means allowing the water to run until it gets as cold as it will get
before each use. Normally this may take
two or three minutes. Keep in mind that
toilet and shower use or doing laundry with cold water will also move through
the plumbing system, and this will reduce the amount of time needed to flush
the cold-water faucets to five to 30 seconds. Another
way is one of avoidance: do not cook with or consume water from the hot-water
faucet. Hot water dissolves lead more
quickly than cold water. Especially
avoid using hot tap water for making baby formula. If hot water is needed for cooking or oral consumption, draw
water from the cold water tap and heat it on the stove or in the microwave. If
plumbing repairs or other plumbing work is done, make certain that only
lead-free solder and other lead-free materials are used. This is now a federal law. There are
other actions which can be taken by household users to reduce the risk of lead
in drinking water. For additional
information, please contact the local utility, county or state health
department, or the U.S. EPA. The U.S.
EPA has a toll free hotline dedicated to this subject ~ 1-800-426-4791 ~ and
has also prepared a booklet on this issue. [This
information has been approved by the U.S. EPA and meets EPA’s lead public
notice requirements under Section 1417 of the Safe Drinking Water Act
Amendments of 1986] |
addition to the general information provided in this brochure, we have also
included the following system-specific information about the drinking water we
provide to you. (It dissolves lead slowly when compared to corrosive water). ![]() The average level of lead found in the water delivered to your home’s service connection by Bradford City Water Authority is 0.005 parts per million (ppm). However, tap water may contain higher levels of lead leached from lead plumbing materials used in your home. ![]() Bradford City Water Authority has supplied our employees with lead-free solder and other plumbing repair materials. All plumbers, builders, contractors and other who work within our service area are required to use only lead-free solder and materials. In addition, we also informed those who apply for new water services of the federal ban prohibiting the use of solder and other materials which contain lead, along with signing a notarized Lead-Free Certification prior to connecting to our water system. ![]() THE CURRENT MAXIMUM CONTAMINANT LEVEL (MCL) FOR THE ALLOWABLE AMOUNT OF LEAD IN DRINKING WATER IS 0.015 PARTS PER MILLION (PPM) AS SET FORTH BY THE FEDERAL INTERIM PRIMARY DRINKING WATER REGULATIONS. BRADFORD CITY WATER AUTHORITY IS WELL UNDER THIS MCL. |
The Effects of Lead in your Drinking Water...
Although there are many sources of lead in our industrialized society, water is probably the most readily controllable. Our drinking water can contain significant amounts of lead, the result of corrosion of lead plumbing parts inside buildings and homes, or lead mains or service connections. As many as one in five Americans may be exposed to unsafe levels of lead in drinking water. In fact, recent studies indicate that tap water may contribute up to 40 percent of total lead exposure. Pregnant women, fetuses, young children (especially under the age of six), and middle-aged men and women are especially vulnerable to the health effects of lead. Even very low doses of lead can have a negative effect because lead, unlike most other contaminants, is stored in our bones and released later into the bloodstream. For this reason, even small amounts of lead can accumulate and become significant. |
The Pennsylvania Lead Ban & Property Owners |
Public Water System Connection Certification |
Before purchasing a newly constructed home or non-residential facility, check with town officials to see if an ordinance or plumbing code that bans the use of leaded materials is being enforced. If not, get written assurance from the builder that only lead-free plumbing materials were used in your new home. If the home has been or will be connected to a public water system, ask to see the connection certification that must be provided to the water supplier. A new home or building completed after January 6, 1991 must have such a certification before it can be connected to the public water system. |
Private Wells | Although certification is not
required for hookup to private wells, the Lead Ban applies to all
plumbing applications, including individual homes and non-residential
facilities that obtain their water from such sources. |
If You Hire a Plumber to do the Work... |
Instruct the plumber, in
writing, to use only lead-free materials for repairs or for newly
installed plumbing. Report any lead ban violations to DEP. If you do your own plumbing work, be sure that you use only lead-free materials. |
Penalties for Violation of The Lead Ban |
If you find leaded materials in your plumbing system, and the building was completed after January 6, 1991, contact the plumbing installer. He may be required to replace the banned materials with lead-free materials at his own expense. Installers also may be required to provide alternate, approved drinking water (bottled water) until the lead-bearing plumbing materials are replaced. |
If Your New Home Was Built Before January 6, 1991... |
If you are uncertain whether lead-free plumbing materials were used, remove all strainers from the faucets and flush the system for at least 15 minutes. This will remove loose solder and flux debris from the plumbing. Routinely check the strainers and remove any later accumulation of loose debris. Because you cannot see, taste, or smell lead dissolved in water, the only way to tell if there is lead contamination is by testing the water. Contact your water supplier or DEP for a list of reliable laboratories. |
Electrical Grounding | The common practice of grounding electrical equipment to water pipes may cause lead to dissolve into the water more rapidly. Contact your local building inspector to see if an alternate grounding system is permitted under to local building code. For safety, only a licensed electrician should install an alternate grounding system. |
Lead... It's The Law
In July 1989, Pennsylvania passed The Plumbing System Lead Ban and Notification Act. That law becomes effective January 6, 1991 and applies only to plumbing construction or repairs completed after that date. The purpose is similar in many respects to the 1986 amendments to the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act that requires the use of lead-free materials in the construction or repair of any public water system or any plumbing in a residential or non-residential facility connected to a public water system. |
Pennsylvania v. Federal Law
1. PA’s lead ban applies to all plumbing, not just plumbing used for drinking water. Federal law applies only to plumbing systems providing potable water. 2. PA’s lead ban forbids the sale as well as the use of leaded solder, flux, pipe, or pipe fittings. The products must be removed from the shelves. The ban includes solid or acid core solders, such as 50-50 tin-lead solder and 85-15 tin-lead solder. 3. PA’s lead ban applies to all water users including individual homes and non-residential facilities which obtain their water from private wells. Federal law regulates only public water systems and their customers. 4. PA’s lead ban requires the builder to certify that all materials used in the construction of a plumbing system to be connected to a public water supply are lead-free. A water supplier must refuse connection to any person who fails to provide such a certification, unless the local municipal plumbing code already prohibits the use of leaded materials. |
If You Suspect a Violation...
Contact the Department of Environmental Protection North West Region Drinking Water Meadville, PA (814) 332-6899 |
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